Due To CopyRight Laws
The Helen Steiner Rice Spiritual Poetry Has Been Removed
And Replaced With The Following Bible Quotes

"Look Upon Mine Affliction And My Pain"
"And Forgive All My Sins"

"And He Shall Be Like A Tree Planted By The Rivers Of Water"
"That Bringeth Forth His Fruit In His Season"
"His Leaf Also Shall Not Wither"
"And Whatsoever He Doeth Shall Prosper"

"We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight"

"All Flesh Is Grass"
"And All The Goodliness Thereof Is As The Flower Of The Field"

"I Tell You The Truth"
"Anyone Who Will Not Receive The Kingdom Of God"
"Like A Little Child Will Never Enter It"

"If A Blind Man Leads A Blind Man"
"Both Will Fall Into A Pit"
Matthew 15:14

"I Am The Resurrection And The Life"

"There Is Nothing Better Than That A Man Should Rejoice In His Own Works"
"For That Is His Heritage"

"And He Said"
"Let Us Take Our Journey"
"And Let Us Go And I Will Go Before Thee"

"When I Was A Child"
"I Spake As A Child"
"I Understood As A Child"
"I Thought As A Child"
"But When I Became A Man"
"I Put Away Childish Things"

"He That Is Without Sin Among You"
"Let Him Cast The First Stone"

"Peace Of Mind Makes The Body Healthy"
"But Jealousy Is Like A Cancer"

"Clothe Yourselves With Compassion"
"And Patience"

"The Good Shepherd Giveth His Life For The Sheep"

"Then Said He Unto Them"
"Nation Shall Rise Against Nation"
And Kingdom Against Kingdom"
"And Great Earthquakes Shall Be In Diverse Places"
"And Famines"
"And Pestilences"
"And Fearful Sights"
"And Great Signs Shall There Be From Heaven"

"And It Shall Be Given To You"
"For Whatever Measure You Deal Out To Others"
"It Will Be Dealt To You In Return"

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