Roller Coaster
Taking the ticket
Not knowing what to expect
Would I be joyful, or would I regret
Emotions changing like a carnival ride
Ups and Downs
No place to hide
Knowing this is where I want to be
Yet feeling my raw insecurities
Feeling sometimes on top of it all
Other times feels like climbing a wall
Fear sometimes gets the better of me
Knowing he is the one who holds the key
He can calm my fears, or make me afraid
He assures me that I have not been betrayed
Though another may touch his heart
I am the one who holds his hands
If I can grasp this simple key
Maybe for a minute
If I could see
What is it He see's in me
Then I think I could really be free
Free to let go and discover me
CopyRight © Bobbie "Irockslady" 7-29-99
CopyRight © 1999-
Rasky's VietNam Memorial
All Rights Reserved