Lady In Waiting 3
Still No Lady In Waiting
No tears fall
Yet I am still crying
The years are still passing
And I continue on the road to dieing
Still no tenderness and no kissing
No serious love and no love making
I am still abiding
No one has wrapped me in their arms Lady In Waiting
Still alone, desperate and hating
Deep in my thoughts
Still unknowing
Trying to find love
And still fighting
The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
Is tarnished and paleing
The bluebirds have died and quit singing
The sun has burnt out and quit shining
Dark gray clouds
Forever it seems
It has been raining
Are you an angel?
Lady In Waiting
High in the sky
Over my head
Are you flying?
I have seen you
And the result is
My heart is still breaking
Whoever you were
You didn't unfurl your arms
I was yours for the taking
Love could have grown
As roses in bloom
A lifetime in the making
Could I have ever loved you?
Lady In Waiting
You bare bossomed breast
I have forever been wanting
The dew dampened hair of your thigh
I was needing
To feel your kissable lips
Lady In Waiting
To devour you whole
I was yearning
I awake from my dream
Will you ever be there?
Lady In Waiting?
CopyRight © Rick "Irockblue" 8-29-1997
CopyRight © 1997-
Rasky's VietNam Memorial
All Rights Reserved